
There is currently an issue in which the BLE Credential is failing due to the FDI API timezone discrepancy when transferring bookings from connecX to iPassan


When a booking is made in connecX and transferred to iPassan, the BLE credential fails. The issue lies with the FDI API, which mishandles the booking creation in iPassan by not applying the correct timezone. This discrepancy causes a shift in the booking time, resulting in the BLE credential not being synchronised with the actual booking time. This will lead to access problems, with users not being able to use their BLE credentials at the intended time.

Short Term Solution:

In the meantime, building managers should inform users that they should use PIN codes (for Facilities with Pin Code Access) or Physical Fobs to enter facilities during their booking time.

Long Term Solution:

This issue has been raised with FDI for urgent correction. Once this has been fixed by FDI, connecX will test and make sure that the BLE credential works and is synchronised with the actual booking time and that users will not have problems with access.


Building Managers that use connecX and iPassan will be notified directly when this issue has been resolved and tested. We will also update this article accordingly.