
There is a discrepancy between the number of users in iPassan and the number of users in connecX. More specifically iPassan contains more users than connecX, which were not created as users in connecX.

Scenario 1: connecX Users Missing in iPassan:

  • Users were manually deleted from iPassan but were not archived in connecX, leading to their inability to make facility bookings.
  • Building managers must archive users in connecX instead of deleting them from iPassan to avoid this issue.
  • Users manually deleted in iPassan, should not be re-created in iPassan. Instead a building managers should open up the user in connecX and click save to re-create the iPassan user.

Types of Users Affected:

  1. Admin/Management Users:

    • These users, created in connecX before the iPassan link was active, must be saved again in connecX to appear in iPassan.
    • Manually creating these users in iPassan won't establish the necessary link.
  2. Tenant Users:

    • These users were created in both connecX and iPassan.
    • Issuing a mobile credential in iPassan deletes their email address, affecting bookings by omitting user details, but it doesn't affect building access.


Defect Reported: The issue has been reported to iPassan in France, awaiting rectification.

  • Building managers must re-enter and save the user's email address in iPassan when issuing a mobile credential.
  • The connecX team will assist in updating the email addresses for current users in iPassan.

Scenario 2: iPassan users missing in connecX :

  • Users created directly in iPassan without connecX registration are missing in connecX. These users do not have connecX access and cannot make facility bookings in iPassan



  • if a user was created in iPassan but not in connecX, and a Building Manager would like to synch that iPassan user with a connecX user. The best course of action is to delete that iPassan user and create them in connecX. After saving that user in connecX that will trigger to re-create that user in iPassan and synch both users.

    Caution: if you delete an iPassan user that already has access profiles and credentials assigned to it. You will have to assign the access profiles and credentials again after re-creating the iPassan user through connecX.