Messaging in the mobile app follows a Messenger/Whatsapp style of continuous messaging.  Messages sent and received are maintained in a chat, which creates a messaging history.  Some messaging channels are purely informational and one way from precinct or building management whilst other channels can be one-on-one.

Channel Types:

Broadcast Channel (1-Way)
 A 1-way broadcast channel is used by building management to send important updates or announcements directly to residents. Unlike a regular chat, residents can receive messages but cannot reply.


Group Chat (2-way)

A 2-way group chat is a channel created only by building management, which can consist of multiple residents across buildings. Building management and residents can exchange messages, media, and files in real-time. This allows for open discussions within the building community. Building management can also set up group chats to require message approvals for censorship.

Resident chat with management (2-way)

A 2-way Management to Resident chat allows building management to communicate, in real time, directly with an individual resident and vice versa. Both parties can exchange messages, media, and files with each other. If there are multiple building managers, all managers will have access to this chat and can respond or send messages, ensuring continuous support regardless of the manager available.

Where to find

Navigate to the Messaging tab at the top right corner, beside settings.