The portal dashboard presents a high-level view of what is happening on the connecX platform. 

The 2nd component of the portal dashboard are the Action Rows.
Community Action Items
Actions for a building manager that relates to a resident.

Registrations Requiring Approval 

Number of app registrations made by resident that a building manager must approve

Open Maintenance Request
The number of pending Maintenance Requests.


Pending Facility Bookings
The number of pending Facility Bookings that require approval

Pending Service Bookings
The number of pending Service Bookings that require approval

Maintenance Action Items
Actions for a building manager that relates to building maintenance

Work Order Approvals

Work Orders that require approval

Overdue Work Orders
Incomplete work orders that have passed their due date.

Overdue Inspections
Incomplete/Pending inspections

Contractor Insurances Expired
Contractors that have Insurances that have passed their expiry date.

Contractor Inductions Expired
Contractors that have Inductions that have passed their expiry date.

Tasks Due Today

Work Orders and Inspections that are due today.

Clicking on any of these items will direct the portal user to the relevant page on the portal.