Portal users can seamlessly reorder elements of Inspections or Inspection templates to their liking.

They can re-order the sections within inspections and tasks within the sections in 2 ways.

Holding the drag and drop icon

By holding the drag and drop icon you have the freedom to move the section below or above any other section. As you hold the icon, there will be a blue line which will indicate where the section will move to.

You can hold the drag and drop icon to reorder tasks as well. You can only re-order tasks that are within a section. You can not drag and drop a task from one section to another.

Clicking the drag and drop icon

If you click the drag and drop icon, a drop down menu will open which will present you with specific actions you can take

Insert Above/Insert Below: Add a line item above or below the current line item.
Move Up/Move Down: Move the line item one row above or below it's current position.
Move to top/Move to Bottom: Move the line item to the top or bottom of it's respective list.

Another area which we have improved is how the inspections appear when it is on mobile view. We understand that completing an inspection is more convenient to be done on a mobile phone, when the user is walking around. The new mobile view provides the best user experience when it come to ticking success or fail, re-ordering, adding comments and images.

Mobile view: