We're proud to introduce our new Access System Log feature in our Portal. In recent months we have introduced updates that inject users into integrated third-party systems such as iPassan and Breeze. The new Access System Log is to track all the users that are created in iPassan and Breeze through connecX. This feature is designed to increase tracking of user creation and improve the speed at which troubleshoot issues with our integrations. 

Key Features and Benefits

When a user is created in connecX, whether it is through the User page or the User Registration Form, the Access System log will record the user creation in iPassan or Breeze. The Access System Log can be found on the settings page of the portal. 

Log Details

Each log entry will include detailed information such as:

  • Timestamp: The exact date and time of the event.
  • Building: The building that the user belongs to
  • Unit: The unit number that the user belongs to
  • Resident: The user's first and last name
  • Action: The action that was done against this user, initially this log will only track user creation and will be displayed as  "create user" under action.
  • Result: This will indicate whether the Action was successful or failed.
  • System: This is the third-party system where we inject the user.
  • Description: If a user fails to be created, the description will provide details on what went wrong and any actions a building manager can take.
  • Search and Filter: The log includes robust search and filtering options, allowing users to find specific entries.

We believe this Access System log ensures all user creations for our third parties are meticulously documented for future reference.