These updates are designed to streamline user management and improve the efficiency of integrating iPassan with our platform. Below are the detailed descriptions of the new features and improvements included in this release:

New Features and Updates

1. Automatic User Creation in iPassan through connecX registration form

  • When a user is registered through the connecX registration form, they will now be automatically created in iPassan upon approval by the building manager. This ensures seamless synchronisation and reduces manual entry efforts.

2. Bulk Upload of iPassan Access Profiles

  • connecX now supports the bulk upload of iPassan access profiles to units. This is currently a procedure that can only be done by the connecX team. Building managers or the lock installers must organise this with connecX. This bulk upload allows connecX to assign access profiles to multiple units. This reduces the time spent by a building manager manually assigning access profiles.

3. Access Profile Inheritance:

  • Users assigned to specific units will automatically inherit the floor access profile, door access profile, and architecture access profile associated with those units. Ultimately, this simplifies the access management process.

4. Manager, Admins, and Account Owner Exclusions:

  • No iPassan User Creation: Manager, Admin, or Account Owner user types will not be created in iPassan. Again those user types should already have full access to the premises and this maintains a clean user database.

  • No iPassan Facility Booking Creation: When a Manager, Admin, or Account Owner creates facility bookings for themselves or other Managers, Admins, or Account Owners in connecX it no longer triggers the creation of a booking in iPassan. Those user types should already have full access to the facility therefore this update focuses on optimising iPassan bookings for relevant user types.

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to enhance functionality, improve user experience, and ensure seamless integration with third-party systems.