Publish News on MagicInfo from ConnecX Portal

Tick the Upload to Magic Info checkbox in create or edit news page to upload the news to MagicInfo.

Untick the checkbox to remove it from MagicInfo.

The ConnecX Building News playlist will be created automatically when the first news is imported from ConnecX portal.

all news imported from ConnecX portal will be added into the ConnecX Building News playlist.

Create Schedule to Display Contents

Go the Schedule tab on the left navigation bar on MagicInfo portal.

Click New Schedule and select Content.

Select S10 under Supported Devices and click Create.

Select Frame and Click on Edit Frame.

From the Display Resolution drop down list select 1080 x 1920 (portait) and select the single content frame.

Click Next and Save.

Click on any empty spot on the schedule table to start create schedule.

Click on the search symbol to bring up the search content window.

Select ConnecX Building News under Playlist tab.

Choose the preferred playing period and click Save.

Click Save to finalise the Schedule setup.

Click on the search symbol beside Publish to to select the MagicInfo panels you want to show contents on.

Click Save & Publish.