Overview: this article will cover how a connecX facility booking is related to an iPassan facility booking.

connecX facilities and iPassan assets

It is important for you to know that a connecX facility is called an Asset in iPassan. Before a user can create a facility booking in iPassan through connecX, that facility must first be present in iPassan as an asset. If you are creating a facility in connecX and that facility is not yet in iPassan, please contact support@connecx.com.au and we will assist you in setting that up.

Syncing a connecX facility to iPassan

Once you have created the facility in connecX please add the Access Control Facility ID.

The Access Control Facility ID is the name of the asset in iPassan.

Make sure to add the correct ID. If the you add an ID that does not exist in iPassan, you will encounter an error message.

If you add an ID that does exist in iPassan but it is for the wrong facility or if it is already being used by another facility, this will cause conflicted bookings. So please make sure you have added the correct iPassan ID to the correct connecX facility.

Making a iPassan facility booking through connecX

Before you make this booking, please ensure that the user you are creating the booking for has an iPassan user ID.

Go to the user page, search for that user, select them and scroll to the bottom of the modal until you see the iPassan Access Control section. If that user has an iPassan User ID then you will be able to make a booking for them in iPassan through connecX

If that user doesn't have an iPassan User ID, then the booking will still successfully created but will not be created in iPassan.

Making a facility booking in the connecX app - Head to the building page and enter Facilities.

click the facility that you want to book. Then complete your booking request. In the demonstration below we have created a facility booking for the Board Room for 20/06/2024 12:00PM to 2:00PM

Check the facility booking in iPassan

Once you have completed your booking request in connecX, that will trigger the automatic the creation of a facility booking in iPassan.

Select "Monitoring" on the side bar and enter "Facilities/ assets booking"

Select the facility for which the booking was made for.
As you can see in the image below, the booking for the Board Room for 20/06/2024 12:00PM to 2:00PM has been created in iPassan.