To enable payments for facilities you must first have a Stripe account and have had your stripe account integrated with connecX. If you would like to enable payments but have not set up Stripe with connecX, please contact

Payments can be enabled for any facility that requires booking. For facilities that require approval, payments wont be processed into your Site account until it has been approved by the building manager.

Enabling Payments:

1. Select a facility that you would like to enable payments for. Scroll to the bottom and select "Enable Payments"

2. Define the price for the facility by the hour or per booking. Don't forget to save once you're finished.

In the App:

This payment information will be displayed in the app when booking the facility.

Facility Information

Checkout Page

Payment method page

Residents will need to enter their payment details into a Stripe front end to process the booking payment.

Once the payment has been completed, then the facility booking status will have paid

Important information:

  • Resident card details are stored into the Stripe database, connecX does not hold any card details.

  • If a resident makes a booking and a payment for a facility that requires approval by the manager then their booking will have a pending status and their money will be in a state of limbo, also known as uncaptured
    - if the booking is approve then the money proceeds to the Stripe account
    - if the booking is rejected then the money is fully refunded back to the residents account.
    - if the booking is approved and but is then cancelled by the resident, then the money is fully refunded back to the residents account with no fee.

  • Stripe Fees:
    - 3.5% international cards
    - 1.7% domestic card
    - 1.7% per transaction + 40 cents.

  • Cancellations/Refunds - whoever initiates the cancellation will pay the fee.
    - if a manager cancels a booking, the fee will incur on their side not the residents
    - if a resident cancels a booking, the fee will incur on the resident's side.
    - the cancellation fee will be at the cost of 1.7% + 40 cents for the money going into stripe and a additional 1.7% + 40 cents for the money going out of stripe.