This article will provide the portal users instructions on how to create and manage Car parks.

In the settings, you will find a page called Car parks. Once you're the Car parks page, you will first a table displaying the car parks created by a portal user. In this table you can filter and re-order columns as you please.

Note: Building managers will can only create and see car parks for the building they're assigned to, Admins and Account Owners can create and see car parks for all buildings.

Creating a Car park

1. Select New

2. Add all the required details for this car park. 


Grace Period: This car park can not be booked during the grace period.

e.g. if Car Park Spot A has booked between 1:00PM - 2:00PM, however it has a grace period of 10 minutes, then that means a user can only book Car Par Spot from 2:10PM onwards.

Shared Carparks: If you want a car park to be bookable by all residents, from different buildings. Then select your site name in the building dropdown.
e.g. Site 123 has Building A, Building B and Building C.
if you select Building A then only residents of that can be booked for this spot.
if you select Site 123 then all residents can be booked for this spot.

3. Once you have populated all the required information then select save.

Editing an existing Car Park

1. Select the car park you want to edit.

2. Make the desired change

3. Select save.


Please take note of these key actions you can make to an existing car park

Exporting a car park list
On the table, next to new, select export to download a .csv file of all the carparks

Duplicating a car park

Next to status, you can duplicate a car park, which will copy all the existing car park details into a new duplicate. We would recommend updating the name.