connecX is excited to introduce our new Carpark functionality for Portal and App users. Portal users can now create car parks which can be booked just like a facility. There will be a new Car Park Bookings page under Bookings which presents all car park bookings in a calendar view. In settings, a new Car Park Settings page has been implemented, this is where the portal user can create each individual car park spot. And in the app a resident can request for carpark when they are making a new visitor booking.

Carpark Settings:

Allow a building manager to set up visitor car parks in connecX like facilities.  These car parks will have general settings such as terms and condition, level, maximum booking time and grace period.  They will also have car park specific information such as car park number, building and level. 

Carpark Bookings:
The aim of the carpark bookings for the connecX portal is to allow a building manager/portal user to create visitor carpark bookings. The settings for each carpark are defined in 'Carpark Settings' and will be reflected in these bookings. The initial design layout of the carpark bookings page will be of a calendar format.

Car park Bookings in the App:

When a residents register a visitor through the visitor page, residents will see a new tick box that allows them to book a car park. Residents will not be able to select a carpark, they will be automatically assigned an available carpark. If the car park spot requires approval then the building manager will need to first approve it, in the mean time it will just have a pending status.

Car park Bookings in Visitor Page (portal)

Portal users can also make a car park booking at the same time that they are making a visitor booking. They won't need to create a booking in the Car Park booking page, making this a more streamlined process.