
connecX requires access to a client's stripe account as a developer. As developers we need to integrate the clients stripe account in our environment and deploy our webhook link to the clients tripe account. From there we need to do one round of test runs in development mode..


What clients need to do:


1.  Create a Stripe account

If you don't have a Stripe account then you must first register for one. https://dashboard.stripe.com/register

If you have an existing Stripe account please skip to step 4 of "What clients need to do"

 When registering for stripe you will need:

  • An Email address
  • The full name for the administrator of the stripe account.
  • Create a password.

Note: A Stripe account is free


2. Verify Account

The email used for the registration will receive an email from Stripe for verification, please click verify.

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After selecting verify, you will be asked to enter the password associated to this account.


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3. Activate Account


Once the verification has been completed, head back to the Stripe website and select "Activate Account"




There will be some information the you need to input to activate your account.
Please fill in all the necessary details.

Note: This must be done by you not connecX. The integration will not be able to complete without this information.


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4. Invite our connecX developer


Now you need to invite connecX as a developer. Head over to the settings page


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Enter Teams and security



In Teams and Security, select “New member”


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Please invite: developer@connecx.com.au and select administrator and developer in the tick box options. Don't forget to select "Send invite".



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After you send the invite, you will receive another email from Stripe to verify that it was you who authorised the invite.

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Once the verification is complete, developer@connecx.com.au will appear as an Administration, Developer within the Teams and Security page.

What connecX needs to do: 

1. Accept Invitation

 Once the client has sent developer@connecx.com.au an invitation, we will receive an email to accept Invite




2. Integration 

In the developer page, our connecX team will set up the API keys and the Webhook. The integration will done within the backend



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3. Testing.


connecX will test the API and Webhook. We will create test payments within connecX to determine if the integration is working and if the payments appear correctly in the Stripe payments page.

Note: any payments done in test mode cannot be collected.

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4. Switch from Test Mode to Live Mode.


Once the client has filled all the active account information e.g. Business and Bank details etc. and once our connecX team has finished testing and have confirm that the integration works, then we will switch from test mode to live mode.

This can be done by switching the toggle button in the homepage.

Once it has been switch to live mode we will deploy the client's production key to our system and our endpoint to their stripe live webhook.

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