Purchase License


€11 per month = €132 per year (per display)




€27 per month = €324 per year (per display)



Both license require a one-time setup fee of €98

Premium license allows access to webauthor content and widget.

Purchase and set it up on a company email address (not a personal one)

An account will be created based off the email that is used and the login information will be sent to the email. 

2FA will need to be setup upon first login.


Setup MagicInfo Panel

Install the Magic Info Panels and ensure they have both power and data.

Go into menu then network and selected wired connection to enable the ethernet port and connect to internet.

Configure the screens using the following settings:

Menu>Network>Server Network Settings>MagicInfo Mode

Set this to the license you will buy: Lite/Premium

Menu>Network>Server Network Settings>Connect to server

Server address: srv1.magicinfoserver.com


Port: 7002

Menu>Support>Contact Samsung

Write down the WIRED MAC address for the device(s)

Ensure the time settings are setup correctly.

Set your screen on the Magic Info Server input source.

Reply to the email from MaginInfo providing the display names and WIRED MAC addresses. If all configured correctly the devices will be added to the portal overnight.