Release Overview:

The dashboard for building managers has been enhanced and redesigned, providing a view of various widgets for essential building management information, enhancing comprehensive data access and management capabilities.
This modular widget designs leverages data from different sections and allows future customisation of the layout.


Release Highlights:

  • Core Layout:

    Statistics Boxes (Top Row): Uniformly sized boxes containing key statistics with clickable redirection to relevant sections. Statistics displayed are:

    Occupancy: Count of ‘Occupied’ apartments / Total number of apartments.
    Active Residents: Count of ‘Active’ residents / Total number of residents.
    Keys Out: Count of keys with status ‘Out’.
    Uncollected Parcels: Count of deliveries with status ‘Delivered,’ ‘On Hold,’ or ‘Overdue.’
    Unread Messages: Count of direct messages with unread status.
    Visitors Today: Count of scheduled visitors for the current date.

  • Activity Boxes (Second and Third Rows): Uniformly sized boxes featuring core action items, such as:

    Community Action Items: Outstanding actions related to resident management.
    Maintenance Action Items: Actions related to facility management for the logged-in user.
    Task Due today: List of tasks needing action on the current date.
    Events Today: List of events scheduled for the current date.
    Facility Bookings Today: List of approved/confirmed facility bookings for the current date.
    Car Park Bookings Today: List of approved/confirmed car park bookings for the current date.