This article will explain how to add invoices to a work order.

NOTE: A work order must be approved before adding an invoice.  Also, an invoice cannot be added once a work order is closed.

To add an invoice, 

  1. Navigate into the approved or completed work order, open the work order page, and scroll down to Invoices
  2. Click "Add Invoice"
  3. Enter all relevant information - contractor, invoice number, budget code (this defaults to work order budget code), and amount.
  4. You can also attach the invoice document if needed (select ADD under Attachment)
  5. Press SAVE

Invoices and the work order are saved as you add, edit and remove invoices. However, it is still recommended to save the work order when finished to ensure that all changes are saved for the work order.

You can then view all invoices related to the work order. When an invoice is added, the Actual Costs in the work order are updated with the invoice amount and the Available budget for the budget code is reduced by the invoice amount.

You can see invoice references also in the Budget Code area of the portal.  Each budget code will provide a list of invoices related to the actual costs against the budget code.

NOTE: You can only allocate costs to ACTIVE budget codes, not PLANNED/EXPIRED budget codes.