To access inspections in the portal, click on this link in the navbar (if you have it).

Your page will be much like the other modernized list pages. List refresh is in the top left, and various buttons in the top row.

To create a new inspection, click the New Inspection button in the top left, this will open the following form, all fields are required:

It will then show up in the list after it finishes processing.

Click on it to open the view/edit form:

On the left you can set a task as being pass/fail/incomplete, see also how it changes the overall inspection status in the top right:

The names can be edited:

These buttons will add a new task to a section, add a note to a task, add a picture to a task, or delete a section or task (red trashcan).

Click save in the bottom right to save your changes, this includes any images!

It will then update in the list:

n the list view you can print a report of an inspection, or archive/unarchive it.