Inspections/Inspection Checklists new look and feel

Inspections have been redesigned into our new portal format.  These are easier to use and enable improved search, sorting, and filtering as well as printing. Inspections can be used on the phone for execution and recording of results.  Photos and notes can be added to the inspection.

Inspection Checklists

Inspection checklists have moved into Settings on the portal.  These have been redesigned for improved mobile friendliness. 

Inspection Report

Once an inspection has been completed, a report can be printed from the Inspection page.  This report will show all the results for each section and task and will also show any notes taken and any photos recorded.  At the moment the images are limited to one image per task.

Inspections from Maintenance Plan

Inspections can now be created from maintenance plans and these are shown as system-generated in the list of inspections.

Inspections created by the plan will default to the plan name and will show the template used to create them.  They will also automatically be assigned to the employee listed in the plan.