Maintenance plans have been expanded and are planned to be reworked into the new format in the next release.

Inspections Added

The ability to create inspections from maintenance plans has been added.  Inspections need to be selected from the Plan Type and an inspection Checklist needs to be selected in order for the plan to create an inspection. If an inspection is added, then you can only select employees to allocate the maintenance activity to.

Add Maintenance Plan to asset

Whilst it has always been possible to select assets to add to a maintenance plan when creating the plan, it is now possible to allocate an asset to a maintenance plan from within the asset itself.  Multiple plans can be allocated to an asset (for example, inspection, service, replacement...)

Site Contact

Site contact has been added to the maintenance plan to facilitate the creation and emailing of work orders to contractors.  The maintenance plan can be set up to automatically email contractors/employees at predefined times in advance of the due date.

Budget Code

A budget code can be selected in the maintenance plan, which is then passed on to the work orders created from the plan.

Estimated Costs

The plan carries an estimated cost per annum.  This cost can be entered manually where the maintenance plan is against a unit or a common area.  Where the plan is against one or several assets, the maintenance plan will accumulate the estimated maintenance cost from each asset to calculate a total estimated maintenance cost for the plan.  This estimated cost along with the budget code is then passed on to the work order (divided by the intervals per annum).

History Addition

An audit log has been added to see when the plan is created and edited and when work orders are created from the plan.