Work orders have had a revamp for this release, presenting them in our new table format which we will be rolling out all through the connecX portal. The work order detail screen has been reformatted and some additional information has been added to the work orders. Additional information for the work orders includes:

Common Areas

Common areas for work orders can be configured by site.  If you have a list of common areas you want us to upload for your building, please let us know.

Tenant Details

Where a work order is either manually or via maintenance request allocated to an apartment, the tenant name can either be manually selected or is inherited from the user who made the maintenance request in the mobile app. These tenant details are then printed on the work order


Selection of either employee or contractor to complete the work orders.  Work orders can now be allocated to employees (anyone registered as a building manager or admin). When a work order is allocated to an employee, an email with the work order details can also be sent to the employee.

Work Order Send Format

The original work order template has been reformatted to include additional information on the work order such as company details (site) and contractor ABNs, contractor details, site contact details, tenant details (where the work order is for a unit)

Job Costing

Work orders can be allocated to budget codes or inherit a budget code from the maintenance plan that created them.

Allocating invoices against the work order will build up the actual costs in the work order against the estimated costs entered.


Invoices can now be added to the work order 

These are allocated to a budget code (inherited from work order if allocated) and documents can be uploaded against this.