This release will contain the following functional enhancements to the connecX portal and app

Booking Approvals

Facilities can now be set up to require booking approvals by building management.  This can be configured in the facility settings, where the approval can be selected and the facility email can be maintained.  Where required, a facility booking remains in a pending state until the building manager has approved the booking.

All bookings requiring approval are routed to the building manager via email for approval.  The building manager will then approve the booking in the connecX portal under facility bookings.  Once approved, the resident will be notified of the approval.

Display Facilities

A new setting in facilities allows facilities to be viewed on the resident app as display only (no bookings required).  This provides the opportunity for the building management to provide general facility information for facilities that don't require booking such as a gym or pool.  Residents can then view opening times as well as terms and conditions of usage if required.

Facilities Break Times

Where a booking break is required between facility bookings, these can now be created in the facility settings of the portal. a break time can be 30 minutes or 1 hour.  This break time will block this time period in between bookings to ensure that the building manager has time to inspect the facility before the next booking.

If the building manager would like to be informed when break times are, they can select to be emailed on booking completion, informing them that the facility is ready for inspection

Facility Documents

In facility settings, you can now add documents to facilities.  This allows the users of the facility to refer to guidelines or download usage instructions (e.g. cinema projector instructions).  

Facility Payments

Lastly, connecX has partnered with Stripe to bring payment services to the platform, commencing with facility payments.  Where a facility is enabled for payments, building managers can stipulate the price for the facility by the hour/day or per booking.  This information is then displayed in the app when booking the facility and residents will need to enter their payment details into a Stripe front end to process the booking payment.

If you are interested in this payment feature, please contact us at