When a delivery is made to a user, it will be created in our system and viewable within the resident app. To view the details of these deliveries, you can either:

  • Navigate directly to the delivery details page (Home tab > My Building card > Deliveries card > Specific Delivery card)
  • Upon delivery, a push notification will be sent to mobile devices that have previously signed into the resident app. Pressing on this push notification will navigate a user directly to the details page for this delivery.

Note: See the attached image delivery_details_page.png for an example of what the delivery details page should look like for a specific delivery.

In addition to this, a message will also be sent to the registered user's email address informing them of the locker location of their delivery, as well as the access code and QR code (for contactless delivery).

To collect a parcel, simply locate the parcel locker bank (typically located near the concierge desk in a building) and follow the instructions on the parcel locker using the information present in the email/delivery details page. This will involve either entering numerical access code, or presenting the QR code from within the delivery details page to the QR scanner on the parcel locker bank.

Note: See the attached image parcel_locker_bank.jpeg for an example of what a parcel locker bank in a residential building might look like. Also note the display unit with an access code input and QR code scanner for parcel collection.