This user guide will walk you through how to use the Contractor Category page, where you can create a new contractor category or edit existing categories.


  • Select Settings from the side navigation bar
  • You can find a contractor categories option located in General Settings section
  • click to open the page.

Creating a new Contractor Category

1. Click on the 'New' button

Located usually at the top left corner of the page, the 'New' button will allow you to create a new contractor category. Once you click on this button, a modal (pop-up window) will appear on your screen.

2. Fill out the details in the modal:

Input the name of the new contractor category you want to create in the designated field.

3. Save your entry:

Once you've filled out the necessary details, click on the 'Save' or 'Create' button to finalise and create your new contractor category.

Editing an Existing Contractor Category

To edit the name of an existing contractor category or archive it, follow these steps:

1. Find the contractor category you want to edit: 

Scroll through your list of categories until you find the one you want to edit. If the list is long, use 'Search' function to help you find it more easily.

2. Edit the contractor category name or archive it:

Click an item to show the item in a modal. Here, you can change the name of the category. Usually, there will be a text field with the current name in it that you can directly edit. To archive the category, there should be an 'Archive' button or checkbox. Archiving usually means that the category will not be deleted but will no longer actively appear in your lists.

3. Save your changes:

After making your changes, don't forget to save them. Look for a 'Save' or 'Update' button, usually near the bottom of the form.