The following defect fixes will be applied in Release 2.9


Defect IDDescription
5174Fix - app does not support international number for emergency contacts and account info
4814Fix - Light level not working
5155Fix - can write notes for facility that does not allow to write note
5166Fix - user can book facility outside of allowed times
5263Fix - archived users not exited from app
5265UX - People that change their password should be logged out
5271Fix - Ivanhoe Garden text hardcoded in the view rendering CxSmartHome
5280Fix - portal invoke delete legrand API throw out error 504 on site that has 32 devices and 16 rooms, suspect timeout at API gateway


Defect IDDescription
5362Fix - apartment status does not change when all user archived
5366Fix - archived maintenance stays in the table
5357Fix - calendar in dashboard keep loading
5368Fix - registrations dropdown does not working
5360Fix - Registrations page's status dropdown does not has default value selected
5353Fix - getting error when create user with pet
5359Fix - Registration dropdown is empty when its open from the Registration button in dashboard
5352Fix - User emergency info is not optional when you filled name
5365UX - key management dropdown closed when user selected an option
5367Fix - The news in the App is more than the news in the portal
5042Fix - app download page - logo
5062 Fix - Booking Created with error booking message
5272UX - disable email input field
5172Fix - double notifications from connecX app
UX - drop down menu cannot be click
4967Fix - Drop down menus at maintenance calendar not change name
5349Fix - All image upload function does not working
5228Fix - Building and apartment turned to undefined when create user
5169Fix - contacts section in dashboard shows wrong image
5164Fix - facility booking day calendar does not have background color type
5320Fix - facility booking reject function is not working
5344Fix - file upload error message does not show up
5383Fix - If an error occurs during the first attempt in key management, subsequent attempts will also fail.
5318Fix - if the first booking is invalid, the second valid booking would fail
5384Fix - in key management, the check-in button doesnt work after manually enter the time
5382Fix - key management modal stay in the create new modal state
5168Fix - Maintenance Calendar does not show year at title
5377Fix - Portal Maintenance: when create new. The state changes from approved to pending by itself.
5348Fix - User cannot view event categories page
5379Fix - Work Order isn't created via Maintenance request is creation.
5262 Fix - Login spinning for non-existing users
5363Fix - Regression Ivanhoe Garden can not create user as the userType not listed
4706Fix - Side Navigation does not scroll
UI - fonts overlap
5102UI - Tile and content not aligned
5343UX - add asterisk mark to hint user that upload document is required
5389UX - inspection's upload an image button is not using the button style
5375UI - Inspection image uploaded outside the background