Content Overview

Maintenance Plan Title
the name of the plan
BuildingThe building to which the Maintenance Plan belongs
Prioritythe priority of the plan
Location Typee.g. Units, apartments, equipment's
Equipment CategoryType of the equipment
Equipment NameName of the equipment
TimingHow often the work order created
Start DateStart Date of the Maintenance plan
End DateEnd date of the Maintenance Plan. If the end date is not specified, it will automatically set as end of the current financial year
Last Maintenance Completion Date
Most recent completed workorder
Next Scheduled Maintenance Date
Next work order create time
YTD Estimate Cost
Year to date of the total estimate cost in current financial year
This is calculated based on how many work orders has been created
YTD Actual Cost
Year to date of the total actual cost in current financial year
This is based on the completed work orders and the cost within it.
Forecast FY2022The forecast cost of current remaining finical year
Forecast FY2023
The forecast cost of current next finical year
Forecast FY2024
The forecast cost of current next next finical year
3 Year Forecast
The total forecast cost of the remaining current financial year and the next two financial year