Our booking system can be integrated with the Salto ProAccess Space suite so that facility bookings will automatically allow residents to access the booked facilities with their key cards.


  • Residents in an apartment ( known as Visitor Access Level in Salto) will be given access to a facility at a given time
  • Facilities are known as Zones in the system
  • Doors should be grouped into Zones even if there is only one door for a given facility

Making a booking

When a booking is made by a user or by the manager (instructions for Portal and App), the system will automatically create an access in Salto Proaccess Space with a Period (date of access) and a Timetable attached.

The following shows the access granted to apartment 501/56 after making a booking via the Connecx booking system.

Nightly permission clearing:

Connecx will automatically clear any expired access permissions from Salto just after midnight on a daily basis.

This allows a user to create a new booking for the same facility once the previous one has expired (without manual action from the building manager).

Limitation of Salto:

Salto only allows one access permission (one relationship between an apartment and zone) at any given time, so for example, access to the Games Room for today and next week for a given apartment cannot be granted.

The nightly permission clearing and manager email features were implemented to overcome this limitation.

Manager emails:

The building manager will receive an email for manual action when:

  • A user makes another booking for a facility which they already have a booking for
  • Any other error that requires manual action occurs

The recommended action when a building manager receives an email about a "double booking" is to manually enable the second booking on the day of the booking.


The User Access Group IDs and Zone IDs should have been already set up when the solution was deployed, but if for some reason there were any changes to the IDs, then you can edit them by following these steps:

Zone ID/Access Control Facility ID:

Go to Settings -> Facilities -> (choose your facility)

Then edit the Access Control Facility ID (this should be exactly the same as the corresponding Zone ID in Salto ProAccess Space).

User Access Level EXT ID/ Access Control ID (apartment)

Go to Building -> Apartments -> (select apartment)

Edit the Access Control ID field (this should be exactly the same as the corresponding User Access Level Ext ID in Salto ProAccess Space) and click on the "Save Access Control ID" button to save.