The following enhancements will be included in Release 2.4

Mobile App:

Enhancement ID


5216Improve facility booking time selection process
Based on user feedback, we have redesigned the time selection component to be more user-friendly and streamlined. Previously, selecting booking times for our facilities required navigating through multiple screens, which was confusing and time-consuming. But now, we have implemented a new feature that allows users to select both the start and end time directly within the calendar view, making the process much more intuitive and efficient.
4973LeGrand Smart Home Integration
We are excited to announce that a new smart home plugin for the LeGrand smart home range has been added to Melrose Park stage 3. This plugin will allow homeowners to control their LeGrand smart home devices directly from their home automation system.

Key Features:
  • Ability to control the Legrand's smart devices.
  • Ability to change the Legrand's smart home devices setting in the app.
We believe that this new plugin will greatly enhance the functionality and usability of our Melrose Park stage 3 smart home system, and we look forward to continuing to explore new ways to improve the user experience.
5301Springwood App
We are excited to announce the release of a new single app based on the ConnecX standard app for Springwood. Providing a more unified and streamlined experience for users.
5234Pipeline Improvements
We are pleased to announce that we have made significant improvements to our pipeline implementation, designed to streamline the deployment process and make it more efficient and reliable.
We believe that these improvements will greatly enhance our development workflow, enabling our team to deploy applications more quickly and efficiently.
5287Upgrade Smart Voice Wiser to new API
the upgrade of our Smart Voice Wiser to a new API, designed to provide a more seamless and intuitive experience for users. This upgrade will enable our Smart Voice Wiser to integrate with a wider range of devices and services, allowing for greater flexibility and control.
4940Tenancy end logic
we have implemented an automatic log out feature for archived users. This means that any user accounts that have been archived due to inactivity or other reasons will be logged out of the app automatically. Additionally, when these users attempt to log in again, they will be advised that their accounts are no longer active and will need to contact our support team to reactivate their accounts.


Enhancement ID


5070Key Management
We are excited to announce the release of our new feature, Key Management and Tracking, aimed to help our customers manage, track, and maintain their keys more efficiently.
Key Features:
  • View Key Status: Users can easily view the status of their keys, including availability and current holder. 
  • Search Key: Users can search for specific keys by name or number, making it easy to find the key they need.
  • Add and Delete Keys: Users can add new keys and delete existing ones, allowing them to keep their key inventory up to date.
  • Check In and Check Out Keys: Users can check in and checkout keys, helping to prevent lost or stolen keys and ensure proper usage.
  • View Key Check Out History: Users can view the history of when a key was checked out and by whom, providing a clear record of key usage and accountability.
With these new features, we hope to provide our customers with a more streamlined and organized key management process.
4504Make Portal Responsive
Updated portal with a new responsive design feature that allows our customers to use the portal on their mobile devices with ease.
Key Features: 
  • Pages and Components Responsive to Screen Size Changes: With the updated portal, all pages and components will automatically adjust to the screen size of the user's device, providing a seamless and optimized experience on any device. 
  • Easy Navigation on Mobile: The new design includes optimized navigation and user-friendly interface, allowing customers to navigate through the portal and access key features easily. 
  • Improved Accessibility: The updated portal is designed to be more accessible for all users, regardless of their device or platform.
We understand that many of our customers use their mobile devices for work, and we are committed to providing a portal that meets their needs. With the new responsive design feature, our customers can access important information and tools on-the-go, making their work more efficient and convenient.
5245 Facility Booking Permission
Updated facility booking system that allows administrators to limit the booking of a facility to once only.
Key Features:
  • One-Time Limitation: The admin can set a rule that allows a facility to be booked only once, ensuring fair access to the facility for all users. 
  • Enhanced Control: With this feature, administrators have more control over facility usage and can prevent overbooking or misuse of facilities.
  • Improved User Experience: This feature ensures that all users have an equal opportunity to book a facility, creating a fair and positive experience for all.
We understand that facility booking is an important aspect of many organizations, and we are committed to providing our customers with a system that meets their needs.
We are excited to announce a new feature for our maintenance plan system that allows users to create and manage inspections.
Key Features: 
  • Inspection Creation: Users can create inspections in the maintenance plan, including the cycle of the inspection, such as weekly or daily inspections. 
  • Auto-Generation: The maintenance plan can schedule inspections, automatically generating them after a user selects an inspection template. 
  • Template Selection: Users can select an inspection list template in the maintenance plan, making it easier to create and manage inspections. 
  • Execution Management: Users can execute the inspection created from the template, including selecting pass/fail, adding comments, and creating work order items if necessary. 
  • Customization: Users can delete or add extra items in the execution, providing flexibility and customization to the inspection process. 
  • Saving and Completion: When the user clicks save, the execution is saved into the history. When the user clicks complete, the inspection is marked as completed. 
We understand the importance of maintaining equipment and facilities to ensure safety and efficiency, and we are committed to providing our customers with a system that meets their needs. With the new inspection management feature, users can easily create, schedule, and execute inspections, improving the overall maintenance process.
4395Forgot password option
We are excited to announce a new feature for our settings page that allows users to reset their password if they have forgotten it.
Key Features: 
  • Forgot Password Functionality: Users can access the "forgot password" feature in the settings page to reset their password if they have forgotten it. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: The password reset process is designed to be simple and easy to use, allowing users to reset their password quickly and efficiently. 
We understand the importance of keeping user accounts secure, and we are committed to providing a system that meets our users' needs.