Once a work order is created manually or from the system, you could choose to send a reminder to the person who is responsible for the work order.

1. Select Facility Management from the side navigation bar
2. A second-tier menu will display 

3. Select Work Orders

1. To edit an existing work order, click on the work order to be edited from the list or you can also search for any relevant information related to that work order and it should query the table for that work order.

2. Upon clicking on the work order, a modal will pop up on the side for you to modify any relevant information, scroll down to the Job Detail section.

Press the send or re-send button. The work order must be "approved".

3. A email sending window will pop up, and an email template will be filled automatically. You could choose to edit the content.

The email will also attach a PDF document will all the detail of the work order and all the documents and images from the work order as attachments.

4. Press the Send button to proceed