The objective of the work orders page is to provide the ability to collect work orders from different sources into one single location in ConnecX.  Work orders can originate from maintenance plans, be manually entered via the portal or as a part of a maintenance request.

Work orders represent individual pieces of work to be executed in accordance with either maintenance plans or, as manually entered work orders representing incidents, defects, projects or damage which needs repair/maintenance work at the property entered by either a building manager using the ConnecX portal, or from a maintenance request from a resident. Work orders must be made against an asset, common area or unit (apartment), placed under a maintenance category, and assigned to a contractor or an employee.

The unit of work represented by the work order can be assigned to either a contractor or to an employee, the latter case covering the situation in which building managers might need to do major works themselves.

Invoices related to the work order issued to a contractor can be added, which will include the contractor, an invoice name, budget code, amount, and optionally file attachments (pictures or documents). When an invoice is added, edited or deleted, the whole work order and the invoices are saved to the database to ensure that data is kept consistent and to avoid the case where one might add invoices, but then cancelling editing instead of saving, lose internet connection or etc. A notification in the bottom right is shown to indicate success or failure, and the main list will also refresh.

Work orders can be archived or unarchived, but not deleted. Invoices however can be deleted, and if deleted cannot be recovered.

Work orders have a history in which the creating, editing, archiving and unarchiving events are recorded against a time stamp of when that change occurred, and the user account that performed the change. If the ConnecX system made the change, it will be shown as "System".

In the modal view of creating or editing a work order, the modal can only be closed by pressing one of the footer buttons or the close (and cancel) button in the top right. This is to avoid accidental data loss while interacting with this page.