1. Select Facility Management from the side navigation bar
2. A second-tier menu will display 

3. Select Maintenance Plans

1. Click on the "New" button on the header bar 

2. Select the category and enter the detail of the maintenance plan, you could also upload an image of that maintenance plan. 

Plan Category is a dropdown menu and can select from a list of available categories 

Priority – High, Medium, Low

Location type is a dropdown and has the following options - Equipment, Common Area, Units

  1. If equipment is selected, then the equipment type and selection field become mandatory.  
  2. If Common Area is selected,  a list of common areas will be displayed 
  3. If a Unit is selected then a list of apartments will be displayed based on the building(s) selected

3. Select the timing for the maintenance plan (optional), which is the interval for the maintenance plan.

Scheduled date 

  1. Days: Monday, Tuesday Wednesday etc (can select multiple) 
  2. Months (1-12 months) – means every month, every 3 months etc 
  3. Weeks (1,2,3,4,6) – means every week, every 2 weeks etc

4. Pick a contractor who is responsible for the maintenance (optional), the system will later create a work order and assign it to the contractor, the work order timing is based on the timing setting from step 3.

Contractors are taken from the contractor list.  

Three dropdowns will display once a contractor is selected. 

  1. Create work order - If "Yes" is selected, the system will create a work order and send an email to that contractor.
  2. Work order create timing - The timing setting of the work order created before the due date
  3. Email timing - The timing setting of the notification email sent before the due date 

5. You could also upload related documents and images (optional).

5. Once the form is completed, press the save button at the bottom to create the maintenance plan.