How To

Steps required to approve the pending user registrations:

1. Select "Registration" from Menu Bar:

The window above will show all pending user registrations which have yet to be approved.

These applications can be reviewed by clicking on a registration row:

Approve Form

If all the details are accurate and the new user is to be created in connecX, then click the Approve button on the bottom right of the screen.  Please note that this cannot be undone.

Once Approved

  • The user is notified that their registration has been approved.
  • The new user will be created as a Contact in connecX
  • The new user will be sent an email to verify their email address and to create their connecX app login credentials.
  • Any documents attached to the user form will be archived for data privacy reasons.

Reject Form

If the user needs to be rejected for some reasons, such incorrect information, the system will delete all information regarding this users.  This is to ensure data privacy.

What to do if a user has made a mistake

If it is a simple mistake, then the user should be contacted and two options are available.

  1. The registration form is rejected and the user completes a new one
  2. The registration form is approved and the Contact is created.  The contact is then updated by the building manager to reflect the correct information.