The Maintenance portal page is an overview of all the maintenance requests that have been created by residents. You have the ability approve, reject, cancel, close and archive any of the requests.

The initial view of the maintenance page will detail the most import information regarding each request.

Large lists of requests will be separated over multiple different pages to limit the number of requests loaded at once and each page can quickly and easily be changed via the buttons located on the top right.


You can filter columns by selecting a filter such as job type or status.  Using the job type filter you can select to view requests for a single job type or multiple at the same time.  Using the status filter you can review different statuses of maintenance requests. Note that by default, archived bookings are deselected in the filter.  To view archived bookings you will have to select this status on the status filter.

On the top left of the page, you can create a fresh maintenance request on behalf of a resident and can reset the default filters. The search bar is used to search for keywords of any of the listed information listed. 

Maintenance Details

The maintenance request details can be viewed by clicking on any of the entries in the list view.

The first section displays contact and request information. 

Clicking on the User Name (example: Melrose Owner above), will change the portal screen to the contacts section. Click on this only to retrieve user contact details, as this will exit the service bookings function of the portal. 

Request information is all the relevant information that is used by the resident to detail the maintenance request that they require. The minimum information required to create a maintenance request is a title, fault location and job type. 

The last section of the maintenance requests is the work order information.

This section is for portal use only and allows for keeping track of completion dates and information regarding the completion of maintenance requests. 

Request Status

Every request will have a status associated with it. Pending, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled, Archived and Closed are the 6 different types of status.

Pending Request

Approved Request

The selections of request status's will depend on the current status and will restrict you from selecting a status that doesn't align with the required workflow. 

refers to all new requests which have not been actioned by building management
refers to all requests which have been confirmed by building management
refers to all requests which have been rejected by building management
refers to all requests which have been deleted
refers to all requests which were approved and then completed
refers to all requests which have been cancelled by building management


Each maintenance request can be printed or created into a pdf on demand. Make sure all the information is correct and saved then clicking on the print button near the cancel and submit buttons will open a window to print the maintenance request. You then have the option to print the file or export it as a PDF. The headers and footers can be enabled or disabled via the print menu settings.