You can view the bookings for a site's facilities in different views. 

How to 

  1. Select Facility Bookings from the side navigation bar 
  2. Select the date range and facility you want to view in the top bar. The default view is a month overview, with all facilities visible. 
  • Month – Default view which displays all bookings for the month 
  • Week – Displays all bookings for the week 
  • Day – Displays all bookings for the day 
  • Agenda – Provides a list view of all bookings for the next month 
  • Facility – Shows bookings for the selected facility only 
  1. Use the left and right arrows in the top right corner to navigate between dates 
  2. Select the booking you wish to view more details about 

    You will now be able to see: 

    • User assigned to the booking. Click to view their details. 
    • Facility booked 
    • Date and time booked
    • Notes related to the booking