Confirmed Bookings

Once a booking request has been confirmed and the resident has been notified the following actions are possible:

Edit confirmed booking

Once approved you can edit the Booking Date and Time or Notes by clicking on the required service booking and updating its details.  Once details have been edited, select the UPDATE button to confirm the update. The status of the booking request remains the same. The changed date and time will be visible in the resident app.  Ensure that the resident has been informed of these changes prior to making them in the portal.

1. Confirm new date/time with the service provider

2. Confirmed new date/time with the resident

3. Update service booking in the portal

4. Press the UPDATE button on the booking

Delete confirmed bookings

Once approved a booking can still be deleted by building management.  This may be the case when a service provider or resident had to cancel the booking.  Deleting the booking will archive this.  It can still be viewed under "Archived" bookings.

Select the DELETE button to delete the service booking. Ensure that the service provider and resident have been informed of this deletion.  All deleted bookings will result in a mobile app notification to the resident.  The booking will no longer be visible in the resident app.

1. Confirm cancellation with the service provider

2. Confirm cancellation with the resident

3. Open relevant service booking in portal

4. Press the DELETE button on the booking

User requests changes to a confirmed booking

A user can request a change to a confirmed booking via the app which will be seen in the portal as a "Change Requested" status. This will inform the building management that the resident requires a different date or time for the service booking.

See section on "Change Requested" bookings.

User requests cancellation of a confirmed booking

A user can request cancellation of a confirmed booking via the app which will be seen in the portal as a "Cancel Requested" status. This will inform the building management that the resident does no longer requires this service booking.

See section on "Cancel Requested" bookings.