Residents may request a change to a confirmed service bookings.  These will be reflected as "Change Requested" service bookings status in the portal.  When opening the booking, you will be able to view the newly proposed and original time/date of the service booking request.  You then need to contact the service provider to ensure that this change is possible, before either approving or rejecting this change.  

Approve Change Request

If you approve a Change Requested Booking this will select the chosen booking time from the user and accept the new request.  If however after speaking to the service provider and resident, you may wish to edit this new booking time and set to a different date and time before approving it.  


1. Review Change requested

2. Contact Service Provider to review change

3. If agreed -> Approve Change Requested

4. If the new time proposed, review new time with the resident

5. If new time agreed, update service booking

6. Approve service booking

Reject Change Request

Building Management can also reject the change request and the booking will return to the original time of the booking.  This may be in case the change was requested at the last minute and could not be altered and the resident agrees to the service proceeding as originally planned.  Once the change has been rejected the booking time reverts to the original time/date and status returns to confirmed.


1. Review Change requested

2. Contact Service Provider to review change

3. If not agreed and too late to cancel or change -> contact resident to confirm go-ahead

4. If the resident agrees, then reject the change request

Delete Booking 

If no agreement on a new date/time can be reached, the booking may need to be cancelled.  Building Management needs to ensure that they have contacted both the resident and service provider prior to deleting the booking. Deleting the booking will place it into an archived status which can be viewed in the service booking listing.


1. Review Change requested

2. Contact Service Provider to review change

3. If not agreed and no alternative time but cancellation possible -> contact resident

4. If the resident has been informed and wants to cancel the booking -> DELETE booking request