How To

Steps required to create a new event in the events calendar:

1. Select "News" from Menu Bar:


2. Click on the "NEW" button on the header bar

3. Select News Feed, enter author, and publication date.  The date defaults to today. News shown in the app are sorted by date, with the latest news at the top of the feed.

Feeds are dependent on the set-up unique to your site.  In many scenarios, there will be precinct-level news or building news. In other single building scenarios, there will only be a single news feed.

The selection of the feed determines where the news item is displayed in the app.  "Precinct" news is visible in the precinct/neighbourhood section of the app whilst "Building" news is visible in the building section of the app.

4. Enter the news details in this section.  Currently the app only supports English, but in future releases connecX will support the entering of news in multiple languages with a user being able to select their language preference.  For now, please leave English as the default language.

The title and summary of the news are displayed on the front blog card for the news item.  The detailed news article is visible when users click on the blog card on the app.

5. Upload Image and Audio (if required)

Each news item should include an image to be displayed on the app.  Where no image is added, the blog image in the app will be blank.  We recommend that all news items include an image. Note that the maximum image size is 4MB.

You can also upload an audio file.  This file is not used in the app but would be used by a smart speaker when used to request the news items.

6. Press Save Button